How Much Does Spot & Tango Dog Food Cost?

One of the most significant parts of canine ownership is picking a healthy diet for your pup. There is so much more to pet food than a cute picture or fancy lettering on the label. All-natural, fresh dog food can boost your pup’s nutrition and health. That said, fresh dog food comes at a much higher price than what you can pick up off the grocery or pet store shelf. One company, Spot & Tango, offers both fresh meals and dried UnKibble. The company has an excellent reputation, and my own dogs love the food, but is Spot & Tango worth the investment?

How much does Spot & Tango cost? UnKibble plans start at $1 a day, and Fesh meal plans start at $2 a day, but because plans are tailored to your dog’s dietary needs and preferences and the extras you add, the cost is a little different for everyone. To give you a more realistic idea of the cost, I ran quotes for several different breeds of varying sizes. I’ll also share my experience with Spot & Tango and why it’s one of my favorite brands. Read More
