Best Dry Shampoo For Dogs: 8 Top Picks

Nothing can cheer me up faster than a snuggle with my sweet pup. However, that cuddle session can quickly turn sour if he is a stinky boy. While dogs are our best friends, they can become quite smelly creatures, and we owners have to work hard to keep them smelling fresh. While bathing them is always an option, it’s not the best solution to everyday smells. Along with being a big production, bathing your dog too often strips their skin and coat of natural oils that keep it healthy. If you, like me, need something to keep your pup’s odor manageable, consider dry shampoo.

If you’ve never heard of or tried waterless dog shampoo, it may be a game changer for you and your pup. As much as I love my dogs, I don’t love that stinky, wet, or sweaty dog smell. Let’s get into the details of dry dog shampoo and how it can help keep odors off your sweet pup so those cuddle sessions stay sweet. I review and share my picks for the best dry shampoo for dogs. Read More
